Let the coffee buying for 2025 commence!
Welcome! We're inviting you to join us on a journey to Guatemala’s coffee scene. We (Torch Coffee Company) have partnered with some small-holder, micro producers here in the different regions of Guatemala to bring you some of its finest coffees that Guatemala has to offer!

When is the best time to travel to Guatemala for purchasing coffee?
The best time for visiting Guatemala to find the highest quality coffees is right at the end of harvest season. Harvest is usually between December through May. So we have planned these tours for the spring, giving you a great opportunity on first picks on this new season's coffees.

What's the purpose of doing a coffee tour?
Apart from having great and meaningful connections with producers, why not travel to Guatemala?! Our hope is that you enjoy spending time and building relationship with coffee producers! We are here to help facilitate a place where you can connect, visit and buy coffee directly. :)

Coffee tour in Guatemala!
We have focused on designing this “Coffee Buying Tour” to help roasters, green buyers and importers who value the importance of direct trade, to come and do just that! We have arranged all the traveling, lodging and food accommodations for you so all you need to do is connect with producers and buy great coffee!

Why direct trade & is it Important?
Direct trading is very important! As we all well know, the intent of direct trade is alive and thriving, but the actual "doing" is the hard part. In some ways the idea of "direct trading" has become a way of marketing coffee. What we hope to accomplish with these tours is that you come away with strong connections with producers, and come back next year and buy from them again and again.

Coffee Producers & unique processing :)
You may have heard of Huehuetenango; Guatemala's most popular coffee growing region. But have you heard of Acatenango? Or Santa Rosa? We have decided to visit these coffee regions instead. Because we want to highlight some of the other places in Guatemala and their producers so that they can have a chance at more clients that they otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to connect with. Some of these producers have taken a unique look at processing methods too! We will visit finca La Senda who uses very interesting and exciting methods of processing which will make for very fun and tasty cuppings!

April Tours: (1)
April 7 - 11
MayTours: (1)
May 5 - 9
Trip schedule may change slightly according to real time situations -adventures in Guatemala ;)
Each tour will have limited slots available. Please contact us as soon as possible to reserve a space! katie@torchcoffee.com

Week Schedule: 5 day tour
DAY 01
Our first day we will spend visiting Antigua and the farm “Finca San Jerónimo” right outside of Antigua. There we will be able to cup this season's coffee directly on the farm.
DAY 02
Then we will travel to Acatenango and spend the day at “Finca La Senda” with producers Arnoldo and Maria Eugenia Perez.
DAY 03
Next we will spend the day in Chimaltenango, and visit Antonio Medina on his farm, Finca La Colina and cup washed coffees
DAY 05
DAY 04
After we will head to Santa Rosa and visit Finca Vista Hermosa and spend the day with producer Freddy Orantes and his family. There we will first cup coffees directly from Vista Hermosa and then go and visit a new co-op initiative to connect and cup coffees from other producers in the area.
On the final day, we will head back to the city to review the coffees from the past four days that have been cupped during the tour. We will also cup some additional coffees from other areas in Guatemala and prepare orders and coffee purchases. Torch Team will be there to assist those who have additional questions and/or need help with exporting.

Registration Deadline:
For trips in April, the deadline is March 15th
50% non-refundable deposit needs to be made to reserve your slot one month before the tour.
The rest of payment is due two weeks before your tour (see dates).
For additional questions or concerns before purchase be sure to reach out (katie@torchcoffee.com) as soon as possible so you can reserve your slot!
-Pack light! Bring comfortable clothes and shoes for potential ruff and dusty terrain on the farms.
-Bring bug spray and sunscreen! The mountains and volcanoes are beautiful but with higher elevation we are closer to the sun and surrounded by lush forests that also comes with unwelcome guests who like to bite.
- Health and Travel Insurance are recommended.
- Lastly we recommend additional days before or after the tour to enjoy our beautiful Guatemala!
$2,500 (USD)
Check what is included (see below)
Please put your information and we will contact you
Included In Your Tour:
Accommodation, Transportation and Food during the tour. (excluding food a few free evenings will not be included *please see schedule for details)
Connection to new coffee producers and friends.
Visiting 4 farms and a co-op in Guatemala.
Advice and guidance on pricing and agreements with producers.
Cupping sessions of pre-selected samples from multiple producers.

Not Included In Your Tour:
Flights to and from Guatemala will not be included in the price.
Accommodation, Transportation and Food before and after selected tour dates are not included. (We are happy to provide recommendations/ help with booking accommodations for additional days while you are visiting.)
All preparations, milling, documentation, shipping and export fees for your coffee, will not be included in the price of these tours OR the price of the coffees you purchase from producers. (Please contact us for more information on exporting and how we may assist you in that process.)